Sunday, February 8

We were walking in sunshine....

It has been just beautiful here! Sun out, no wind, warm air...totally awesome! This was taken on the day that Lil Pooper finally wore some shoes :) Look carefully...they're there!

So, Lil Pooper has been walking for about a month now, and I find I can hardly remember when she crawled. Everyone seems really surprised by how one day she just stood up and took off like she'd been doing it forever. She seems to do that with a lot of things. I mean waiting and waiting until she can do them absolutely right, and then BAM! She's doing something new :) Silly baby- er, toddler.

So yesterday we went to a park close to our house. It's pretty cool because the play equipment is made for children ages 2-5 so Lil Pooper can actually climb on it and go down the slides and stuff. She has earned the title "Monkey Child", LOL!

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