Wednesday, February 4

KMae is 4! yay!!

So yesterday was KMae's 4th Birthday! WoOt!! I know, "she's growing up so fast...", say it with It was fun to see her being so excited. Lil Pooper and I drove to York yesterday morning to take KMae and Sis to lunch for birthday festivities.

Sindenote: Let me tell you, Lil Pooper loves her Cousin! She gets SOOOOOOO giddy whenever she sees KMae. It's like she thinks, "YAY! Someone who totally understands me and is super cool!" :) It's really awesome to see her light up like that. And KMae tolerates her lil cuz pretty well. I mean it's hard to learn to share ALL your toys and watch this tiny peron break all the rules because "she doesn't know any better, she's only a baby." Being the "oldest" is tricky... I should know ;)

We decided to head out to Applebee's since at the end of your meal they sing to you while they bring out chocolate cake and icecream. That kiddo was in heaven! She was the center of the universe for 2 whole minutes and soaked up every last bit of it. Ahh, it must be good to be 4!

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