Saturday, January 31

Lol...What?!?! I saw this on a news page today, and it certainly got my attention :)
Do you know what it's all about? Find out!
(It's kinda fun if you have a few minutes to spare)


McDonald Army Brats*** said...

that is hilarious! I was just reading your "about me". We would have fun swapping our frugal stories! I am a big use it up, wear it out, or do without. :) I love to paint things and change them when I get tired of things, instead of just buying new. I love to get things off craigslist and make them my own by painting them and changing them. There was a table I wanted from pottery barn, and I found a similiar version next to a dumpster. I sanded it down and painted it black. I absolutely love it! It is in my front room. I will have to post a pic of it on my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I guessed right. lol That's funny. :) It is vandalizism but I really think people need a laugh. I'm sure it made a lot of people smile.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous comment is from Jessica. lol